Blim is a Spanish-speaking streaming video on demand platform by Mexican multimedia giant Televisa.


The exponential growth of mobile Android users has prompted a navigation re-design to better optimize Blim’s mobile experience. It was important that navigation was conducive to curated content discovery whilst facilitating immediate access to users’ favorites.

User interviews, research, social media comments, and strategic analysis of Blim’s long term roadmap have informed the design of the main navigation pillars:

Home — content discovery / recommendations
a.k.a. user doesn’t know what to watch

Search — keyword / category search
a.k.a. user knows / has some idea

Continue — content they haven’t finished & downloads they’ve saved
a.k.a. user’s section for their downloads, watch list, and wish list

Settings — app administration

By transitioning the existing hamburger menu into a reach-accessible and considered bottom navigation (as well as creating more intentional avenues to search and discover curated content), users are able to reach their’s and Blim’s end goal — less browsing, more watching.

Re-design, information architecture

UX Design • Dec 2016 — Aug 2018


Fastest path to watching.

The main navigation categories were devised based on facilitating the quickest path to watching content. The quickest path is often the user’s watch list, wish list, and downloads. The more nebulous path was content discovery. In terms of content offering, the app’s existing strategy of showing everything yet nothing at all fostered more paradox of choice (a.k.a. browse purgatory) than actual content viewing. By having fewer and “more like this” recommendations, we minimize decision fatigue and get users watching.


